Eggless Orange and Apple Ice Cream Recipe


Eggless Orange and Apple Ice Cream Recipe is a Continental and good to serve for 2 people. Total Cooking time is 45 minutes. Which make this recipe more easy to cook, you can try this dish as a Dessert.


1/2 cup Fresh orange juice,1 tablespoon Orange Zest (Rind),1/2 Apple – peeled and cubed,1/2 cup Condensed Milk – sweetened,1 cup Heavy whipping cream,4 tablespoons Caster Sugar,1/2 teaspoon Orange Zest (Rind),1 Canned Cherries – for garnish (optional)


  1. To begin making the Eggless Orange and Apple Ice Cream Recipe, prep and bring all the ingredients together and keep them ready to make the ice cream.Blend orange juice, apple cubes, and condensed milk together in a blender. Pour the mixture into a bowl and fold in the orange zest. Keep aside.In a big bowl, beat heavy whipping cream using an electric beater or wire whisk until stiff peaks.Pour a half of the whipped cream into the blended mixture. Blend it by cutting and folding in further slowly using a spatula.Once this is thoroughly mixed, add the remaining whipped cream into the mixture and repeat cutting and folding. There is no cause to worry even if the zest doesn’t blend in completely since the mixture blends very well upon freezing.Pour this ice cream mixture in a pan or a container. Cover the container (preferably with a silver foil) and freeze in the refrigerator for 5 to 6 hours.Take the Orange and Apple Ice Cream out before 15 minutes of serving.Scoop it out into a bowl or on a cone. Sprinkle some orange zest over it and press a Cherry atop the scoop (Optional step).And here you present the refreshing homemade Eggless Orange and Apple Ice Cream with lots of goodness of fruits for your sweet tooth.

Recipe Details

15 minutes prep time
30 minutes cook time
45 minutes total time
2 servings
2 cuisine