Vegan Carrot Halwa Ice Cream Recipe


Vegan Carrot Halwa Ice Cream Recipe is a Indian and good to serve for 8 people. Total Cooking time is 325 minutes. Which make this recipe more easy to cook, you can try this dish as a Dessert.


2-1/2 cup Carrot (Gajjar) – finely grated,2-1/2 cup Coconut milk,1 cup Water,1 teaspoon Cardamom Powder (Elaichi),10 Cashew nuts – finely chopped,7 Pistachios – finely chopped,1/2 cup Sugar,3 teaspoons Vanilla Extract,1 pinch Salt


  1. To prepare Vegan Carrot Halwa Ice Cream Recipe, prep up with chopping and grating the ingredients and extracting the coconut milk required.Mix shredded carrot, coconut milk, water in a thick bottom pan. On a low to medium flame, bring the whole mixture to a boil and then simmer.The mixture will start to reduce a bit. Then add sugar, cardamom powder and chopped pistachios, cashews. Stir well and continue to simmer.Stir in a couple of times to ensure even cooking. The liquid will reduce and thicken.Switch off the flame when completely cooked and keep the vegan carrot halwa aside to cool.Transfer mixture into a freezer-safe container, layer the surface of the mixture with parchment paper. Press gently and seal the container with lid. Freeze for at least 4 hours or overnight until it is firm.While serving Vegan Carrot Halwa Ice Cream Recipe as a dessert, take it out of the refrigerator, scoop out to a bowl and serve with more chopped nuts or raisins or slippery tender coconut slices!

Recipe Details

25 minutes prep time
300 minutes cook time
325 minutes total time
8 servings
8 cuisine